Hurricane Georges

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Hurricane Georges Rakes Puerto Rico
Scroll Down for Exciting Radar Loop!
Read about the aftermath of the storm in Rincon.

September 21st, 1998 Hurricane Georges swept into the East end of Puerto Rico, met the beginning of the Cordillera Central (mountain range that is the backbone of the island, running east to west) at El Yunqui Rain Forest, and ran right down the length of the Island from East to West exiting at Rincón, Barrio Puntas according to information that I have at the moment.  It was only a 95 mph wind, but because of the large area the eye covered it accumulated lots of damage.  Many hurricanes have hit the East Coast, bounced north off the El Yunqui mountains, and affected the east third of the Island including San Juan.  Hortense entered at Ponce in the south and exited over Bo. Puntas on the west coast and affected the western third of the island.   Georges, with his 30 mile diameter eye just swept the whole island.

Click below  for a Radar Loop of Hurricane Georges moving across the entirety of Puerto Rico!

Hurricane Georges Radar Loop

It's 667 kb, but awesome!

The Aftermath:

Water out for 9 Days. (Still more off than on.)

Electric off for 20 days. (Fixed 7 days sooner than Hortense, but still long outages.)

Phone on after storm then off for 25 days.  (Offline for 42 days!)

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